Some Virus Threat Details

These pages detail some techniques that various historical viruses/worms use to infect. There is not enough information here to enable you to write a … [Read more...]

Back Orifice

Back Orifice is a Trojan that provides a backdoor into your computer when active and you are connected to the Internet. The original program came out … [Read more...]


Kakworm (KAK) is a worm. It takes advantage of a security vulnerability in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser and Outlook Express mail program. A … [Read more...]


Sneaking up on the world in July 1996 while everyone was so worried about Word macro viruses, Laroux became the first Microsoft Excel macro virus and … [Read more...]

Love Letter

A Visual Basic Script worm that spread widely around the world simply because people were too curious for their own good and opened an E-mail … [Read more...]


Melissa is a combination Word macro virus and E-mail worm. It was first found on Friday, 26 March 1999 and spread very rapidly around the … [Read more...]


Nimda is one of the more complex virus/worm constructs released. It infects files, spreads itself via E-mail, spreads via Web sites, and spreads via … [Read more...]

Pretty Park

This is a combination beast: a worm, a password-stealing Trojan, and a backdoor. June 1999 it was active across Europe and another outbreak was noted … [Read more...]


An E-mail worm believed to be the first to use the scrap file format to spread. Before going further, let's first look at what a scrap file … [Read more...]

What Malware Does

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is … [Read more...]